Roses are Renowned for Beauty Amidst Numerous Functions

Roses are Renowned for Beauty Amidst Numerous Functions

Kenyan rose farms use advanced horticultural practices to produce these high-quality roses, which are highly sought in international markets Read More

Impressive 20th NHFair, sets Record in number of stands and visitors

Dec 14, 2023

The 20th edition of Naivasha Horticultural Fair was held on September 16 and 17 at Naivasha, where it hosted a record number of stands and visitors. The two day show was graced by Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary (CS) of Agriculture Mithika Linturi who hailed the organizers of the show for bringing ... Read More

Successful succession in flower business, the Red Lands Roses Style

Dec 14, 2023

By Steven Mulanda The term succession planning refers to a business strategy companies use to pass leadership roles down to another crop of leaders. This sort of planning ensures the business continues to run smoothly and without interruption when the current leaders move on to new opportunities or retire. Successful ... Read More

Marketer turn potato agro-processor; thriving to excellence

Dec 14, 2023

By Steven Mulanda The transition from closing down a business venture to establishing a new different business can be an arduous and unpredictable. For Wanjiru Mambo, the CEO Wedgehut Foods the journey was riddled with challenges and discoveries. Her story begins back in 2020 when the government announced measures restricting ... Read More

aak-GROW, 65 years of excellence in championing responsible use of pest control products

admin- Dec 14, 2023 0

BY STEVEN MULANDA For the last 65 years, aak-GROW the umbrella organization for producers, manufacturers, importers, formulators, re-packers, distributors and users of pest control products has championed the interests of its members while shaping the industry’s policies, decisions and events. The Association is the national representative of the international agro-chemical ... Read More


Simon rebels politics for lucrative bud agribusiness venture

Simon rebels politics for lucrative bud agribusiness venture

December 14, 2023

BY WAIKWA MAINA The ten-kilometer drive diverting to the left from Ol Kalou Engineer town at Tulaga market lands us at Gwa Karuka Village, Gathaara ... Read More

One on One with Agrichem’s Shiraz Karmali in regards to Naivasha HortFair

One on One with Agrichem’s Shiraz Karmali in regards to Naivasha HortFair

October 4, 2023

Trade fairs are a way of reaching out to many customers at once. They present opportunities to build on existing customer relationships and boosting customer ... Read More

The growing appetite for dragon fruit among Kenyan farmers and consumers

The growing appetite for dragon fruit among Kenyan farmers and consumers

October 4, 2023

A burgeoning health-conscious middle and upper class and the insatiable appetite by the export market is driving the uptake and farming of dragon fruit also ... Read More

Inside Kenya’s nascent summer flower revolution

Inside Kenya’s nascent summer flower revolution

October 4, 2023

By Clifford Akumu Kenya has proved to be a giant in global flower production thanks to its good equatorial climate and weather patterns coupled with ... Read More



October 4, 2023

By Steven Mulanda At the heart of the expansive Kirinyaga County, Mutithi area, along the Nairobi – Embu highway, seedlings revolution being chaperoned by Peter ... Read More

Extraction of ASILI ESSENTIALS OILS from herbs, gums & trees

Extraction of ASILI ESSENTIALS OILS from herbs, gums & trees

October 4, 2023

The increasing push for healthy lifestyle and the need to boost immunity has raised demand for herbs and spices. As one of the upcoming crop, ... Read More

Osho Chemicals on their 30th anniversary providing landmark agricultural solutions

Osho Chemicals on their 30th anniversary providing landmark agricultural solutions

October 4, 2023

By Steven Mulanda Worldwide, the nature of business is ever-changing and new opportunities as well as challenges keep on presenting themselves at every turn. It’s ... Read More

Evergrow Organic Fertilizer: Nurturing Crops and Boosting Yields

Evergrow Organic Fertilizer: Nurturing Crops and Boosting Yields

June 9, 2023

As horticultural farmers, you understand the importance of producing high-quality crops to meet the demands of both local and international markets. That’s why we are ... Read More

Orchard Picks Ltd; Growing is their business and they’re good at it

Orchard Picks Ltd; Growing is their business and they’re good at it

June 9, 2023

Three years ago, in the vibrant Kajiado County, Athi Kapiti plains; an idea christened Orchard Picks by Amee Dave was conceived. The new venture was ... Read More

Kenya’s new strategy to improve quality of fresh produce exports

Kenya’s new strategy to improve quality of fresh produce exports

June 9, 2023

As the Kenyan horticulture industry continues to face growing number of interceptions due to the harvest of immature crops, hygiene, poor storage, transportation challenges and ... Read More

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