Cosmocel launch in Kenya

Cosmocel launch in Kenya

Cosmocel, a well reputable Mexican agricultural company that specializes in plant nutrition, has officially launched its products in Kenya.

This inaugural launch was officially unveiled on 17th January 2018 at Simba lodge, Naivasha and will be followed by other launches in Nakuru, Timau and Athi River. The event was presided over by Alan Bender, Commercial and Technical Coordinator for Africa.

Speaking at the event, Alan Bender noted that Kenya has the potential to increase yields  enormously, particularly on vegetables, if farmers address the main limiting factors. He also stated, “Our products are designed to increase the efficiency of fertilser use, water uptake and

improve soil structure.”Cosmocel,which has its major African subsidiary in South Africa,will extend its agronomy and Mexican technical expertise to aid farmers

The four products launched are already in use by numerous farmers. These include Soilex, Cosmoroot, H-85 as well as Mainstay Ca, which is a highly effective means of delivering ionic calcium to crops. It uses CosmocelNutraShield Micro-encapsulation technology to provide

calcium that does not react with the soil, but remains in the soil solution, allowing rapid uptake thereof. ‘’Calcium contributes to three important  H-85 has both a cation and anion exchange capacity, thus reducing the leaching of common anions like nitrates.

H-85 is composed of an effective mixture of a soluble carbon complex that results in immediate plant, soil and microbial improvements. aspects of plant health, namely, cell structure, balance of charges as well as the defense and resistance mechanisms.  For example, inadequate calcium in plant cell walls can lead to premature breakdown of plant tissue or unnecessary degradation by biotic stress. Maintaining the correct levels of calcium in plant cell walls is critical to plant

health and quality, “Alan explained.

Soilex is designed to eliminate salt problems in soil. A salty soil is created when hydrogens from an acid are replaced by a metal ion. Common metal ions that form salts with chloride and sulfates are Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium. Bender claims, ‘’Soil tests are  required to determine salt accumulation in the soil. Once determined, it is highly recommended that farmers use Soilex,which restores optimal ion conditions by:-

  • complexing sodium in the rhizosphere,
  • increasing water penetration,
  • allowing excess salts to be   leached   thoroughly  from the root zone,
  • lowering overall soil electro- conductivity,
  • delivering effective soluble  carbon to  enhance microbial  activity, and
  • depositing more nutrients, which leads to enhanced  root development.”

Cosmoroot is a unique phosphorous containing fertiliser with fulvic and humic acid complexes

that are formulated to deliver the nutrients directly to the roots of the plant. In addition, it

contains a combination of L-amino acids that promote abundant root hair growth. H-85is an effective solution for improving metabolic activity, nutrient availability and soil structure.

According to Bender, Henry  Wanjala, Cosmocel’s Technical  Sales Representative in Kenya, stated that they have partnered with Crop Nuts and are carrying out a comprehensive trial at Galaxy Farm.

Cosmocel is proudly ‘green’ which means they do not manufacture or produce any chemically synthesized products. Wanjala added, “Mexico is a huge food producer that feeds most of the South American countries and the USA and even we, here in Kenya, import maize from them. Tapping into the Mexican technology and knowledge to grow foodstuffs, we are, without a doubt, going to improve our production and increase our yields.  We have already witnessed increased demand from farmers who are using Cosmocel products.”

Ocean Agriculture (EA) Ltd is Cosmocel’s sole distributor for Kenya.

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