No selling of flowers on walkways of Nairobi CBD- NMS

No selling of flowers on walkways of Nairobi CBD- NMS

Major Mohamed Badi, the Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) Director General is warning not to turn walkways and cycle lanes in the Central Business District (CBD) into grounds for displaying and seedlings flowers
Major Badi, in a notice published in the local dailies on Friday, said such flowers and seedlings should be removed with immediate effect.

Mbadi says those already licensed to have such displays should place the plants at least two meters away from the walkways.

According the NMS, DG, selling and displaying seedlings and flowers on pedestrian and cyclists’ pathways is prohibited and anyone having such plants on Non-Motorized Traffic (NMT) corridors should remove them forthwith.

“Where one is licensed to have such display, plants should be two meters away from the walkways,” he said.

By Malachi Motano

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