Meet Samuel Gaithoh, the brain behind the establishment of Success farm (S-farms). He began by growing vegetables at the Kenyan coast. Today, he is an irrigation service provider to many farmers across the country.

“I had a vision to own an agribusiness company. That is what informed the establishment of the firm,” he says.

With Kshs. 150,000 as investment capital, Samuel looked for a piece of land where he began farming. “In 2012, I began growing watermelons and tomatoes in a three acre piece of land. I was initially alone before encouraging and bringing onboard four other likeminded friends,” says Samuel.

Although his fresh produce business was doing well due to the availability of ready markets, they were not earning a lot since rainfall was undependable.
“We shifted to irrigation in 2014 because we were looking for ways to improve productivity. Depending on rain and other irrigation methods was not giving us the productivity we wanted but after conducting extensive research, we settled for drip irrigation,” says Samuel.

According to Samuel, drip irrigation is the most efficient in water and nutrient delivery system for growing crops. It delivers water and nutrients directly to the plant’s roots, in the right amounts, at the right time, so each plant gets exactly what it needs, when it needs it, to grow optimally.

“With drip irrigation you will be able to produce higher yields while saving on water as well as fertilizers, energy and even crop protection products and also labour. Employing the services of drip irrigation experts, you are guaranteed total productivity and at least 50% improvement in the yields,” he explained.

He adds that with drip irrigation, there is minimal fertilizer and nutrient loss due to a localized application and reduced leaching, water application efficiency is high when managed correctly, fields with irregular shapes are easily accommodated and moisture within the root zone can be maintained at field capacity and lessening erosion.

Drip irrigation also reduces weed growth, water distribution is highly uniform- controlled by the output of each nozzle and the labour cost is less than other irrigation methods. The variation in supply can be regulated by regulating the valves and drippers.

The fertigation can easily be done with minimal waste of fertilizers, foliage remains dry; reducing the risk of diseases. It is usually operated at lower pressure than other types of pressurized irrigation, reducing energy costs.

Since then, S-farms Investment Ltd has grown and is satisfactorily installing drip irrigation system to farmers across the country. “At the onset of drip irrigation services, we were only four members but today we are fifteen and are still welcoming more members. The company draw its clients from Murang’a, Siaya, Kajiado Mangu, Kiserian, Kiambu, Kilifi, Isiolo, Mombasa just to count but a few,” he says.

He boasts of his dedicated team of farming experts whose objective is to train and offer consultancy services to people who are passionate and wish to venture into farming. “In fact, we are a management company that offers advisory and consultancy services to people who have passion for farming but lack technical knowhow,” Samuel said.
The firm helps farmers who face various challenges in the sector like managing their crops in terms of disease or pest control, fertilizer application, farm preparation, guidance on soil testing and drip irrigation setup.

They work closely with farmers through offering guidance and training to ensure they gain the required knowledge for successful farming practice.

“At S-farms we provide a holistic approach in drip irrigation systems. Talk of one stop shop where you not only get the best irrigation set-up services, but also guidance on how to perform better in terms of crop management. Our professional team also keep track as we walk you through the irrigation journey,” he elaborates.
As farm asset managers, S-farm revolutionizes irrigation approach using their personal and professional hands on business inherent to meeting the farmer’s goals and objectives. “We offer clients high level farm management expertise and technical advice for best results. We have tailored, professional management services for the land owners who have idle lands,” says the director

“We understand farmers’ complex concerns, personal goals, investment aims. We address each with a careful hand with emphasis on soil stewardship, production, marketing, accounting, farm supervision and assures our clients that their best interests are addressed,” the director adds.

Based on client’s goals, S-farms Investment handles all day to day operation of farm management, always keeps the client informed about changes in agriculture and their impact on the operation. Their top priority is to grow and protect client’s crops with the same care and attention to detail as if S-farms.

“In a nutshell when expertise meets preparedness, you have the perfect recipe for total productivity, and that’s what S-farm Investment aims at bringing to your farm or the agribusiness venture,” Samuel concludes.

By Malachi Motano

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